Emergency - Pet 39 BIO, 20 ml

from Edis Pets
(On stock)
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The famous remedy of help of Dr. Bach exists from now on in a formula without alcohol and glycerin, especially developed for our friends the animals.

To reassure and alleviate your animal in all the situations of stress

The remedy “Urgency” is the most known preparation of Doctor Bach. Composed of 5 flowers of Bach (Cherry plum, Clematis, Impatiens, pink Rock'n'roll, Star of Bethlehem), it is a remedy 100% naturalness, universally used for all the situations of stress and emotional shocks, both for the human ones the animals.

This remedy can help your animal to keep its calm and to calm down in the event of:
  • panic, thrashing,
  • accident,
  • fireworks,
  • travel,
  • tragic situation,
  • doulor, visit in the veterinary surgeon,
or any other generating situation of stress.

Easy to proportion and manage, the remedy “Emergency” is presented in the form of drops (without alcohol, without glycerin) containing syrup of sisal plant which are accepted without problem by all the animals.

The flowers used for its manufacturing come the heights not polluted in the Swiss Alps and are collected with the hand, at the most point of their natural energy, according to the directives of Doctor Bach.


Nutritional value averages for 100g:
- energy: 1148 kJ/270 kcal
- lipids: 0 g
- glucids: 67.5 g
- proteins: < 0.1 g
- salt: <0,1 G


Mix with the food or the water of your animal or manage the drops directly in its mouth.

  • Animals of less than 1 kg : 1 drop, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 1 to 5 kg : 2 drops, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 5 to 15 kg : 3 drops, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 15 to 50 kg : 4 drops, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 50 to 100 kg : 5 drops, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of more than 100 kg : 6 drops, 3 to 4 times per day.

The duration of the processing is to be adapted to the need for the animal. The remedy can be used as a long time as necessary.


99% syrup of sisal plant **, 1% extracts of flowers of Bach* (Cherry plum, Clematis, Impatiens, pink Rock'n'roll, Star of Bethlehem).
*de gathering certified in nature.
** resulting from the organic farming.

Without alcohol, Vegan, without lactose, glycerin, conservative.


Bottle of 20 ml with pipette dropper.
Edis pets

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Comment (7) -
Comments from others countries
Emergency - Pet 39
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très bien, fonctionne sur mon chihuahua de 7 ans. Ce produit l'aide à être plus serein en sortie lors des rencontres avec ses congénères.
Emergency - Pet 39
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Formidable pour mon chat
Emergency - Pet 39
55-65 years Gender
5 5

J’attends à l’usage, dommage pour une absence de notice
Emergency - Pet 39
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Mon petit chat a beaucoup moins peur ,il est bien plus tranquille
Emergency - Pet 39
25-35 years Gender
5 5

Tres bien juste la fiole fuit un peu et comme le produit est un peu épais la pipette à un peu de mal. Mais c'est presque rien si on compare à l'ensemble du produit et son efficacité
Emergency - Pet 39
45-55 years Gender
2 5

Aucun effet au bout de trois semaines sur mon fauve de Bretagne, mais je ne désespère pas.
Emergency - Pet 39
> 65 years Gender
4 5

produit Urgence ! j'ai pu apprécier
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